The Laws of Constellations and Seasons / Astronomy
This term, which comes from The Book of Changes, refers to the laws governing the movements of constellations and the change of weather. The term tianwen (天文) means the constant laws that govern the movements of celestial bodies, the rotation of the four seasons, the succession of day and night, and the change of weather. The ancient Chinese believed that both human relationships and all things in the universe are governed by the same laws, and so by observing and following the laws of constellations and seasons, people can establish social order.
刚柔交错,天文也。文明以止,人文也。观乎天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下。 (《周易·彖上》)
It’s the law of heaven that the hard and soft interweave; it is a rule of humans that they should observe the rites and conduct restraint. By observing the movement of constellations, we can learn about the change of seasons; by observing development of human culture, we can enlighten the people and build a civilized society. (The Book of Changes)
The original meaning of the term is the eave and beam of a house, while its extended meaning is time and space as well as the whole world composed of limitless time and space. The first character yu (宇) means heaven and earth as well as all the directions of north, south, east, west, the above, and the below. The second character zhou(宙)means all of time, the past, present, and future. Together, the term means infinite space and endless time. In Chinese philosophy, “theories of the universe” are concerned with the existence of the world in an ontological sense, and with its process of evolution.
宇之表无极,宙之端无穷。 (张衡《灵宪》)
Yu means space without limit; zhou represents time without end. (Zhang Heng: Law of the Universe)
Understanding Heaven
知晓天对人的意义。在中国古人的思想中,“天”具有不同含义,以不 同的方式对人事发挥着不可抗拒的影响。因此,“知天”就成为人们在天的 影响下,把握自我与生活世界的关键。由于“天”的含义及天人关系的复杂 性,“知天”也有着不同的方式和途径。
The term means to know heaven's significance to people. To the ancient Chinese thinkers, 'heaven' could mean different things, and it has an inexorable impact on human affairs in various ways. Hence, given heaven's influence, it is crucial for people to understand heaven if they are to control themselves and the world in which they live. Because of the complexities in the meaning of heaven and in the relationship between heaven and humans, there are also different forms and paths for understanding heaven.
其行曲治,其养曲适,其生不伤,夫是之谓知天。 (《荀子·天论》)
When one's affairs are properly handled, when one’s body is properly nourished, when one’s life is not harmed – then he can be said to understand heaven. (Xunzi)
The term has two meanings. First, it refers to the state of one whole mass that existed before the universe took shape, often said to exist before qi (vital force) emerged. The multitude of organisms on earth all emanated from this state. Second, it refers to Chaos, king of the Central Region in a fable in Zhuangzi. According to the fable, Chaos had no eyes, nose, mouth or ears. Shu, king of the South Sea, and Hu, king of the North Sea, drilled seven apertures into Chaos and killed him. Zhuangzi (369?-286 BC)used this story to show the state of chaos of the world in which there is neither knowledge or wisdom, nor distinction between good and evil.
说《易》者曰:“元气未分,浑沌为一。” (王充《论衡·谈天》)
Those who commented on The Book of Changes said, “Before qi (vital force) appeared, the world was in a state of formless chaos.” (Wang Chong: A Comparative Study of Different Schools of Learning)
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